The Auckland Cactus and Succulent Society

Site information
Page update 12-06-2021

This website was created for members of the Auckland Cactus & Succulent Society, a division of the New Zealand Cactus & Succulent Society. It's aim is to further develop an understanding of cacti & other succulents; and to provide information for members of the club as well as the public.

The domain is hosted by Entertainz. An excellent webhosting company with much to offer customers. They were very helpful in regards to setting up our site.

The site has been optimised for 800x600. Apologies if it does not work fully as this site was created on 1280x1024.     Images and content of this site are copyright of CSSNZ Auckland. Please do not reproduce them in any manner without seeking permission.

Site Map

    History - a brief history of the Auckland branch of the society.

    News - latest information regarding the website and other cacti & succulent related news.

    Meetings - Information on meetings

    Events - information on shows, trips etc. You will find an in depth review of the Auckland Show that occured on the 3rd, 4th & 5th of November 2000, & others.

    Resources - information on the care for your plants as well; re-potting & seed raising.

    Sales - where sellers can list themselves and where buyers can put up "wanted" ads.

    Links - links to other branchs of CSSNZ & other useful websites related to cacti/succulents.

    Contact - you may get in contact with any of these people for information.

If you have any further questions, please email postmaster
Aeonium tabulaeforme taken at the Auckland CSSNZ 2000 Show.